TORCH Method

When a creative agency has a creative process they know like the back of their hand and rally around, great things happen. This is a five-step process designed to lead client teams to big ideas for integrated campaigns.
Creative Director Framework Architecture Creative Strategy Content Strategy Design

The Ask

Design a process that replaces the go-to 'let's sit in a conference room and throw ideas against a wall' and inspires individuals to bring creative solutions to clients. 

The Human-centered Insight

Everyone is creative, yet most people will be the first to tell you they aren’t. When given guardrails and a process, most people feel comfortable enough to explore their creativity and share their ideas.

The Big Idea

Let’s make everyone a ‘creative’. 

The Solution

The TORCH Method: A 5-step process backed by brain science and proven methods (e.g., IDEO U’s design thinking). This is a framework for big ideas used to guide the creative strategy for campaigns of all sizes.

The Impact

Since introducing the TORCH Method in 2019, it has been used for more than 25 client campaigns and new business opportunities.

Designed Collateral:

  • TORCH Method branding
  • Step by step guides
  • Client presentations
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